Opening Keynote Presentation

GOLD Neonatal is pleased to offer this free Keynote Presentation open to the general public.

We're thrilled to have Nils Bergman MB ChB, MPH, MD presenting one of our 2024 Keynote Webinars. Dr. Nils' presentation, "The Power and Impact of Nurturescience and Immediate Skin-to-Skin Contact", will kick off our 8th Annual Neonatal Conference on June 3. We invite you to join us at one or both of our live sessions of this presentation or access the public recording of this talk until June 30. Simply reserve your seat to receive exclusive access. A Certificate of Attendance will be provided.

Need Continuing Education Credits? Only attendees registered for the full conference will be able to claim continuing education hours and can do so by logging in to the Attendees Dashboard prior to watching the presentation. To learn more about registering for the conference, please visit this page. Registered Conference Participants will have access to this presentation and 11 additional presentations until August 30, 2024 (Annual Members will have until September 20, 2024).

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*Important* - If you are a Registered Conference Participant, please log in and view the presentation through the Lobby or Recording page in the Attendees Dashboard in order to be eligible for your CERP/Nurse Contact Hour/CME/CEU credits.

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preterm-speakersKeynote Speaker & Presentation Info

Dr. Nils Bergman, MB ChB, MPH, MD

Dr. Nils Bergman is a consulting Public Health Physician, with specific expertise and interest in maternal and neonatal health care. His qualifications include: MB ChB 1980 University of Cape Town South Africa, equivalent to MD in the USA; Diploma in Child Health in Developing Countries 1987, Uppsala Sweden; Masters in Public Health (cum laude), 1999 University of Western Cape, South Africa; Doctor of Medicine in Clinical Pharmacology, 1997 University of Zimbabwe, equivalent to PhD in the USA.

Dr. Bergman has worked in Zimbabwe (LIC), South Africa (MIC) and Sweden (HIC), hence he is able to bring a global perspective to his research. He contributed to initiating the Immediate KMC Study, and was a Principal Investigator in the WHO Study group that conducted this RCT and recently published results. He has developed and published an underlying scientific rationale that explains the very unexpected findings of profoundly lowered mortality from immediate and continuous skin-to-skin contact to very low birth weight newborns, summarized as "nurturescience".

Abstract: The Power and Impact of Nurturescience and Immediate Skin-to-Skin Contact

Nurturescience is derived out of developmental neuroscience, and the key aspects that constitute nurture will be presented, followed by the adverse consequences of maternal-infant separation. The key deliverable is that Nurturescience expressed as Zero Separation optimizes the development of resilience, which is fundamental for health and better outcomes. In contrast, parental absence is the essence of “toxic stress”, and the currently understood mechanisms for maladaptation will be described. To highlight the novelty of nurturescience to current neuroscience, a direct comparison will be provided.

Nurturescience is the underlying theoretical and scientific rationale for the Immediate Parent-Infant Skin-TO-Skin Study (IPISTOSS) conducted in high income countries, and the Immediate Kangaroo Mother Care Study (iKMC), conducted in middle and low income countries: both will be described. IPISTOSS provides direct clinical evidence of mechanisms, and iKMC study lowered mortality by 25%, with decreased sepsis as primary secondary outcome. The results are profoundly challenging to the current paradigm of health care, and a way forward will be suggested.

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CME/Nurse Contact Hour/CERP Certificates:

*Free access to the general public is available live on June 3 and as a recording on our website until June 30, 2024. A Certificate of Attendance will be available for attendees.

*Only registered participants will be awarded Educational Credit for this presentation and are required to view the live presentation/recording through the Attendees Dashboard to be able to confirm attendace.

*Please be aware that the Handouts to this presentation are for use only by individuals who have attended the live or recorded version of this presentation; and that they are for personal use only and are not to be shared with other non-attending individuals. Thank you.