Speaker Interviews 2019
We are thrilled to offer professionals in the neonatal field for our 2019 GOLD Neonatal Conference. We had a chance to sit down with some of the Speakers before the conference begins and learn a little bit more about them and what they will be presenting this year. Enjoy!
Please note that more interviews will be added to this page soon.
Please note, these are NOT presentations and do not count towards educational hours
Facilitating Infant-Parent Closeness in Neonatal Care Anna Axelin |
Legalization of Marijuana: Unintended Consequences on Our Most Vulnerable Patients Carol Wallman |
Ethical Issues in Neonatal End of Life Care Dominic Wilkinson |
Implications of Early Life Experience and Brain Development in the Preterm Infant Jacqueline McGrath |
Home Sweet Home? Realities and Remedies Karen Lasby |
Neonatal Arrhythmias: Interpretation & Treatment Leigh Ann Cates-McGlinn |
Challenges in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit M. Petrea Cober |
Probiotics in Preterm Infants Nicholas D. Embleton |
Using Your Voice to Drive Change – How Formal and Informal Nurse Leaders Make a Difference in The NICU Pamela Spivey |
Breastfeeding of Preterm Infants – Associated Factors in Infants, Mothers, and Clinical Practice Ragnhild Maastrup |
When a Baby Dies: Providing Care and Support Vicki Culling |
Pain Assessment in Ventilated, Sedated, and Muscle-Relaxed Neonates (Pain Management in the NICU Add-On) Bianca Devsam |
Neonatal Pain: The Evidence and the Knowledge to Action Gap (Pain Management in the NICU Add-On) Denise Harrison |
Long-Term Effects of Neonatal Pain on the Developing Brain (Pain Management in the NICU Add-On) Jillian Vinall |
Clinical Pain Management in the Neonate (Pain Management in the NICU Add-On) Jim Thigpen |
The Development of Human Pain (Pain Management in the NICU Add-On) Rebeccah Slater |
& more to come!