GOLD Speakers


Fabiana Bacchini, MSc, BJ

  • Speaker Type: 2024 Main Presentations
  • Country: Canada

Fabiana Bacchini is the Executive Director of the Canadian Premature Babies Foundation. She is a journalist and the published author of From Surviving to Thriving, a Mother's Journey Through Infertility, Loss and Miracles.
After years struggling with infertility, she welcomed her first child in 2009. In 2012, pregnant with twin boys, she was introduced to the NICU world after delivering at 26 weeks gestation. Her surviving son was in the NICU for 5 months and was later diagnosed with cerebral palsy.Fabiana's family participated in the study of Family Integrated Care (FICare) while in the NICU, which led her to become a parent advisor at Mount Sinai Hospital, an ambassador for FICare having travelled across Canada and other countries to share her experience with this model of care. She has become a strong voice and advocate for premature babies and their families.

Currently, Fabiana serves as an advisor on the Steering Committee for FICare, on the Critical Care Services Ontario (ONICAC group), Child-Bright Network, EFCNI Parent-Patient Advisory Board. She's been involved in several research projects worldwide and is a member of the CIHR-Institute Advisory Board for the Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health.