GOLD Neonatal Conference News

Our inaugural GOLD Neonatal conference got off to a fantastic start on May 8 with Dr. Nils Bergman and his opening keynote “Zero separation of mother and newborn: the science behind the concept”. We had the pleasure of hearing this presentation live twice and the feedback from attendees was phenomenal. A long-trusted source of information in the field, Dr. Bergman put together a presentation rich with information that can be used to improve patient care.

During this eye-opening presentation, attendees gained new insights into the importance of keeping mothers and babies together. Dr. Bergman presented information on the immediate and long-term implications of mother-infant separation and he shed light on the epigenetic impact of baby’s environment after birth. We learned about the long-term consequences of early stressors, how separation is experienced by the infant, the significance to the mother of skin-to-skin care, and much more.

This presentation made for an inspiring opening of GOLD Neonatal 2017. For any who missed the live day, a recording is available free to the public until May 31.

"Thoroughly enjoyed the presentation thank you, I intend to use this information in educating my work colleagues and women that I work with, highly beneficial to mothers and babies, I particularly enjoyed learning the impacts that skin to skin can have on the infant throughout life and look forward to the findings of your latest research. Thank you." Lisa, Australia

"Dr. Nils is one of the valuable figures of researchers who could support the creation of a healthier society. His presentation is clear and evidence-based. I hope his presentations to reach more health care workers and politic makers. Your presentation was excellent. I listen to you for the second time with the same interest." Marta, Romania

If you haven't signed up to view this wonderful presentation yet, please click here